This Shouldn't Exist, But Now It Does...

If You Had Access To The Single Greatest, Most Complete And Comprehensive Advanced Storytelling System Ever Created... What Could Stop You?

(Short Answer: Nothing)

Tom O'Connor

Dear Reader,

If you want to master the art of influencing, persuading and transforming others through masterful storytelling ... and are eager to finally discover the most advanced storytelling tools used by GREAT storytellers and the greatest NLP masters working today…

…then this is going to be the most exciting letter you’ll ever read.

Here’s why:

NLP’s best kept secrets and most closely guarded skills for telling captivating stories that persuade, influence and transform has been finally coded into ONE unique system that's now available for you to learn.

As you know storytelling is the oldest and most potent tool to inspire, influence and persuade. As far back as anyone can remember, people have told stories to each other and good stories are always listened to, rewarding the storyteller…

In fact, a good story lights up the human brain like a Las Vegas Strip at night.

But more than that, it triggers an emotional cocktail that leads people to be wide open to being (ethically) influenced.

Study after study shows a good story activate areas of the brain that allows a listener to step into the story and take on new ideas, beliefs and experiences, with remarkable ease.

Literally changing people’s beliefs, values and behaviours through from simply listening to a story.

Anyone who has watched master storytellers from the field of NLP like Richard Bandler, Tony Robbins or Michael Breen know just how potent advanced storytelling can be.

While many people have watched on and admired these master storytelling skills in action... it's been practically impossible (short of becoming an apprentice) for 'ordinary folks' to learn these kind of influencing skills.

For 40 years, NLP's most powerful methods and unique tools to tell spellbinding stories that persuade, influence and transform have been locked behind a very heavy door.

But I just got the key!

And want to share it with YOU.

I’ve been hunting for this knowledge for 25 years and finally after all the false starts, the late nights, the tens of thousands spent on courses and programs, the countless hours searching for and speaking with the people in the know…

…at last, I’ve got ALL the answers I wanted about how masters of NLP tell engrossing stories that persuade, influence and transform.

And it’s all laid out ready for you…

But First, A Warning:

Before we go any further, I want to be very clear.

The system isn't some 2-3 hour masterclass that promises you the soon, moon and stars but leaves you with more questions than answers.

It’s not some rehash of ‘The Hero’s Journey’ or a storytelling or 'personal branding' course you’ve seen a 100 times before. Nor is it some compilation of ideas you’d find in an ‘NLP Trainer’s Training’ or ‘Storytelling Bootcamp’ or ‘Platform Skills Workshop’. It’s none of those.

This system goes far beyond all that.

It’s the very first time a renowned NLP master, communication consultant and a master storyteller reveals in extensive detail …step-by-step… skill by skill, the most advanced tools and tactics used by the world’s best storytellers…

…to influence, persuade & transform lives.

It's packed to the rafters with insights and practical ideas you can use right away to transform your storytelling skills. With insights and distinctions from disciplines including Neuro-linguistic Programming, psychology, neuroscience, acting, voice control and more.

But I must warn you; this system is NOT for wannabes or talkers or people unwilling to the work required to build first-class communication skills. Nor is it for people who want to use NLP’s most powerful (and covert) storytelling methods and tools to control other people.

If that describes you, please stop reading now.


if you want to crack open the door to a life where you can persuade, influence and transform others through advanced storytelling skills like the world's best NLP masters...

…and covertly embed ideas, instructions and suggestions inside your stories that get acted upon

…and want to finally be able to DO things with stories that position you in another league entirely, then read on because this system is going to teach you how to do that an much more.

So with that said, let me jump right in and tell you all about our BRAND-NEW training...


Advanced Storytelling

For Transformation, Influence & Persuasion

Advanced Storytelling for Transformation, Influence and Persuasion will teach you the elite skills used by great storytellers that very few people know, so you can dramatically increase your ability to influence, persuade and create transformations for others - through captivating stories.

This course is dramatically different from anything you've ever seen because it reveals material that no matter how skilled a communicator you are, you won't have seen before. In fact, this program is more like "The BIBLE of Advanced Storytelling" than a traditional "storytelling course".

Advanced Storytelling will teach you a repeatable framework to tell far better stories, but more than that, you'll learn for the very first time - NLP's best kept secrets and most closely guarded skills -- that only a very elite group of great storytellers know.

As your instructor, renowned NLP Master Trainer Michael Breen shares:

"Advanced Storytelling is truly is the 'secret school stuff.' There are things we are going to be showing you here that GREAT storytellers will do instinctively that are not in any book or manual. If you want to be able to do magic, to do transformational communication, within ordinary conversations that has a profound effect - then this is it!"

The skills you'll learn will enable you to connect, persuade and influence people in a way you've never known before.

And because humans are telling stories all the time what you learn can be applied in any interactions with others. Any context or place you have a moment to share a story can be an opportunity to influence, persuade and create transformations...

(Think: client sessions, Zoom calls, work meetings, coaching, trainings, interviews, presentations, proposals etc.).

Bottom line: Advanced Storytelling will completely transform how you communicate with an audience - whether that is one person, ten, or ten thousand. Whether you work for yourself, with others or lead a massive company....

The training gives you a profound set of storytelling and communication skills used by great storytellers so you can create the results you want.

Winning people's attention, recognition and adulation.

What's not to love, eh?

Let' me tell you exactly how the program is structured...

Advanced Storytelling is organised into six modules.

The course kicks off with:


Core Concepts

The course begins with a quick orientation on what advanced storytelling is all about and moves quickly to showing you exactly what to do, how to do it and why... so you generate the right foundations for the much more advanced storytelling to come...

You’ll Learn:

Why storytelling works far better than telling people what to do!

The near foolproof way to learn advanced storytelling quickly... that's not difficult to do.

Exactly where the magic really happens when telling stories (Hint: It’s not where you think!)

Why NOT using 'scripts' actually works far better…

When is it OK to use scripts and what you should never do

Revealed: The magic trick used by Pros to slide people into your stories - that works every time

How great storytellers hold attention for hours at a time....

The single most important element every brilliant storyteller is clear on that ‘ordinary’ storytellers get wrong. Do this and instantly your stories get better.

4 easy questions to ask yourself anytime you want to tell stories that have the power to transform, influence and persuade… powerfully!

Why Ted Talks aren’t the best format for storytelling. (Really)

How elite masters of NLP use story structure to captivate audiences and implant ideas, strategies and suggestions… (That is the complete opposite of what you most likely do.)

Why ditching the idea you need to tell 'epic stories' improves your ability to become a great storyteller.

A brilliant insight about how to track that makes tracking what master storytellers are doing far easier!

Multiple skill building exercises to help you quickly master the foundations of advanced storytelling so you can apply these ideas right away to your own storying around.

What to think through before you speak so your story lands on 'target'... and doesn't crash and burn.

How story sequence, structure and function work together to amplify the effects of your story

Top 5 myths about storytelling that most students get wrong but once you realise make becoming an advanced storyteller far easier!

Plus much more…


Essential Skills

In Module 2, Michael gets to work helping you develop the essential skills that underpin Advanced Storytelling. You'll discover how to choose the right types of stories, play with story structures, get ideas in other people's brain to move and leverage language -- to create powerful effects easily.

Once you have learned these skills, your confidence and ability to communicate, hold attention and deliver captivating stories will be leaps ahead of where you are right now...

You’ll Learn:

How to overcome storytelling fears, even if the thought of telling stories scares you.

What to do if the story you are telling bombs… and how to use it to your advantage.

How to capture attention and make yourself more likeable.

Discover what studying celebrities like Tom Hanks can teach you about how to tell engaging stories that delight.

Watch Michael demonstrate and then unpack advanced nested storytelling communication – So you can begin to incorporate these advanced methods too.

Uncover what stories do and why they are so powerful when done right.

Discover the Storytelling Strategy Used By Masters so you can create a never-ending library of stories to draw upon.

Uncover which filters to setup to find opportunities everywhere to build your storytelling database.

How to get things to move in your stories and trigger people to get ideas inside their minds...

What you can learn from Malcolm Gladwell to make your stories engaging and impactful.

How with a few simple words you can change how someone perceives things and create a new reality for them to join...

How to ellminate your ideas and suggestions being rejected (works like crazy).

The little known tricks used by storytelling pros to evoke emotions, seed ideas and cause people to make new connections in their mind… automagically ;-)

The 'advanced' way to make someone create the meaning you want without overtly telling them. (Seriously powerful.)

The right way to use analogies and when best to use them...

The REAL way storymasters combine chronology, vivid imagery and language to seed ideas, evoke new associations and create empowering responses for others.

The one thing that is mission critical to your ability to tell stories that people want to hear and enjoy...

Fascinating insights from neuroscience about how the human brain processes language, creates memory, organises perception and employs stories to create a coherent experience…

How master storytellers remember where they are in a story. Learn it and never again forget where you are in a story, even when chaining multiple stories!

Plus new skill building exercises for you to practice.

But that’s not all…

In the second half of Module 2 Michael ramps up the skill building as he introduces super cool skills and distinctions that will really begin to make your storytelling take flight…

You’ll Learn Advanced Storytelling Skills & Distinctions Like:

How to tap into and use the human brain’s own preferences to setup new ideas and meanings for the person to act on - outside of conscious awareness.

How to build future memories so the person or people you are looking to influence, persuade or transform already has a sense of familiarity and mass to ideas you share.

How to slide past any resistance and have the listeners of your stories begin to persuade, influence and transform their own thinking (feelings and actions) by what you are doing rather than what you are saying.

The disarmingly easy way to present ideas for people to consider that doesn’t trigger a ‘defense response’ – very powerful for people who influence and persuade for a living.

Why you want to ask people questions and even how to use interruptions to your story to build even more powerful responses in others.

Why you don’t need to draw explicit connections in your stories in order for the right ideas and responses to pop-up in listeners minds.

Pro tips to trigger whatever emotional response you’d like by doing this one thing...

And if that weren’t enough, for the first time every Michael Breen teaches in depth how to use the Framing Tool to greatly sharpen your storytelling!

By the end of Module 2 you will have a whole new set of distinctions, ideas and advanced storytelling skills to make possible a level of influence, persuasion and transformation that wasn’t possible.


Story Dynamics

In Module 3 we delve into Story Dynamics. Every story has multiple elements which when employed right can make a story highly engaging, persuasive and transformational. In this module, Michael reveals step-by-step how to leverage the most powerful aspects of story dynamics so you can create the results you want with ease.

You’ll Learn:

How to setup stories so people can’t help but join you…

Cool way to build ‘state boosts’ into you storytelling…

Covert Tricks: How to get people inside people’s heads so the right pictures pop-up when you want them too...

How to choose the right story to create specific effects.

3 super slick ways to get people to associate into your stories and generate meaning from within their own thought stream.

Advanced tips and tricks to use people’s own tendencies to form the conclusions you want.

What to always do and what to never do if you want to tell stories that transform...

What kinds of hooks Michael recommends to capture and direct attention effortlessly.

What you must include in every story if you want the story to draw people into it and create a sense of reality in their mind.

How to use language and tell stories about other people, such that your listener(s) can’t help but put themselves in the story to solve their own problems.

The one thing you control which makes you more attractive and followable as a storyteller…

6 things you must get write within the first few minutes of your story if you want it to have impact.

Super cool tips and tricks to point to things without explicitly stating them that your listener can’t help but pick up and think, as if they are their own… (This is like Inception but better.)

Watch and learn as Michael demonstrates how to use language to move ideas around and point to ideas in such a way that to the ordinary person is very difficult if not impossible to track consciously.

How to build references in people’s minds so they begin to construct from their own experience the ideas, feelings and thoughts you want them to connect up to.

How to use Cause and Effect language in stories to create tension, prime ideas covertly and setup inferences and implications that draw people to generate conclusions.

Watch and learn: Hear dozens of examples of isomorphic and homomorphic metaphors being used to prime responses, evoke states, connect up new meanings and connections.

What to do (and what not do do) when you notice you have far more attention than expected.

The 5 early decisions that matter if you want to tell stories that flow and setup new pathways of response.

The critical role expectations have in storytelling and how to use expectations to delight and entrance.

Hear which books and sources Michael recommends to expand your ability to create lucid and vivid stories that grip and hold people’s attention while you setup structures that make deep influence, persuasion and transformation possible.

Which element of effective storytelling you need to choose carefully and shouldn’t be copied from one context to another without first considering this!

The critical questions you need to ask about your audience or individual you are looking to influence before you select a story.

How to make people feel part of a story and how to trigger the feeling of being left out depending on the effect you want to create.

What you need to know about how to use analogies, when to use them and how to deploy them powerfully into your storytelling repertoire.

The role of anchors in storytelling and when and where to use them.

Poweful ways you to get people to ‘jump ahead’ in the story and reach specific conclusions themselves which you want them to have.

How to employ how people form and maintain their beliefs (the Game Rules layer of the Meta Model) to create many possibilities to take the story in different directions to create new responses.

Plus much more…

When you have learned the skills taught in Module 3 you will never need to arm twist anyone again.


Story Mechanics

In Module 4 Micael goes deep into the technical skills of advanced storytelling. The key skills, distinctions and strategies used by Master Storytellers and elite NLP teachers that occur outside the conscious awareness of your audience… which very few people know and even less know how to do… but you will!

You’ll learn how to use your body, voice, non-verbal communication and story structures to pull the audience right into the action and guide their attention masterfully, while setting up the structures for deep transformation, influence or persuasion to occur…

You’ll Learn:

How to use your voice so you invite them into your story

You need to have years of 'voice training' to develop the range of your voice, right? Wrong! Discover why here.

Discover simple tricks and techniques to dramatically expand the range, richness and tone of your voice...

The quickest way to get really comfortable with the sound of your own voice!

How to use your breath and physiology to create specific effects that will enrichen your story telling skills profoundly.

One of the magic tricks to intentional communication…

What you must learn to reconnect to if you want to be a great storyteller

How to access the warmth of your voice, to create tonal effects that entrain and delight

A counter-intuitive exercise you can do lying down to dramatically increase the dynamic range of your voice.

Ever told to “project your voice” so people at the back can hear you? Find out what that advice is is dead wrong and what Michael recommends instead.

A powerful process you can do in less than a minute to quickly ‘warm up’ your voice that is used by professional speakers, actors and great storytellers.

Michael’s ‘Awaken the Mask’ method to dramatically improve the richness, resonance, clarity and diction of your voice. And gives your storying around dramatically different dynamic range so you people can’t help but listen more intently…

Advanced energy techniques and tricks top NLP masters use to entice and pull and audience into a story and alter the pictures, thoughts and feelings listeners have

Super-Cool: How to play with the submodalities of space for really dope effects…

Key insights and distinctions about the ‘technical skills’ of storytelling that 99.99% of communicators, hypnotists and NLPers don’t know

When to use different types of gestures for different audiences so you can create your desired effects.

How to use non-verbal ques like a Pro to setup signals outside of a listeners awareness…

How to get your mind to move on the fly so you can employ the perfect story at the right time to illustrate a point, create a state, install a strategy and so much more…

The answer to one of the biggest questions people have about storytelling that will surprise you!

Learn multiple of Michael’s favourite storytelling frameworks to cloth your stories so you are never short a framework to choose

The big misunderstanding about the ‘Hero’s Myth’ and a warning about using story structures…

Discover advanced insights and distinctions about presuppositions that equip you the ability to paint pictures with words within your stories, make it easy for listeners to join you and lead them to create specific conclusions and so much more.

Why the presuppositions of what you say have a profound impact on what people are able to think about (really powerful insight).

What to presuppose and what, where and when to suggest ideas for your audience to pick up…

The biggest misunderstanding about associative vs disassociate language. Understand this and you will never have a problem getting people to associate into your stories…

How to get people to place themselves in your story naturally and when and how to create dissociative effects.

How to build tension into your stories so the audience leans into your every word.

18 exercises to help you develop your technical storytelling skills, voice and ability to communicate with far greater impact and influence

The 2 magical practice that when you adopt will dramatically increase your communication

More than a dozen demonstrations of each element in action showcasing how to tell both ordinary and epic stories

Go Hollywood on your audience.... discover how to use nonlinear storytelling. Learn how it works, why and where to use it plus which traps to avoid…


Patterns of Transformation

In module 5 Michael fills in the pieces that any communicator who wants to be able to create transformations for others through storytelling - needs to know. As Michael shares at the beginning of Module 5:

“I’m going to give you stuff that is not known about transformational communication, influence and persuasion... I’m going to share A LOT of new material.”

You’ll Learn:

The simple 3 step formula that underpins all kinds of change and transformation

What questions to ask anytime you want to deliver a story that hits it target. Use these and see the results of your communication soar.

How to avoid the #1 mistake people make that kills any chance of your Storying being influential, persuasive or transformational.

How your brain constructs ‘reality’ and how you can mirror this little-known process inside your stories to create new thoughts with the weight of reality

What transformation is and how through stories you can setup profound differences in how a person thinks, feels and acts.

What you need to understand about motivation and change that many people get wrong

You need to speak to a person’s ‘unconscious’ in order to create a change, right? Wrong! Find out how it's far simpler than you've realised.

The big myths about creativity and why it matters when creating stories...

The real secrets to telling homomorphic and isomorphic metaphors (that can make your storytelling incredibly powerful)

The easy way to come up with ideas for isomorphic stories that’s works every time!

How to employ parallel structures within your storytelling so you pre-teach the ideas you want the other person to have before you!

How to present information outside of conscious awareness buried inside your stories…

Key insights about learning from neuroscience you must keep front of mind if you want your stories to be transformational or persuasive that too many novice storytellers completely miss.

The 5 key patterns about change that are consistent across change programs which are successful

The counter-intuitive insight about helping others that most people miss but Pros focus on creating automatically.

Tips and tricks to fly ‘under the radar’ of the conscious mind of your listener so you can prime ideas, responses and pre-teach strategies for really powerful effects

What you should never do… so you don’t find your suggestions rejected!

Essential principles about how change is created and maintained you need to know if you want to be able to create transformations and be highly persuasive

3 questions Michael always asks to design the ‘opening frame’ for his stories that practically eliminate any chance of your stories or suggestions being rejected without consideration

How to make it possible for people to step beyond their own reactions, feelings and adopt a more effective way of operating...

The secret to how problems arise and how they are maintained. Know this and you will be able to design and deliver stories that have a profound effect

The surprising truth about how to measure success when doing any kind of change work that makes the job of transformation far easier.

Why one story is often not enough and how to chain stories that create are more powerful effects…

The little know ‘strategy of genius’ used by Hollywood storywriters and great storytellers that Michael suggests you use too

The best way to pivot and error correct on the fly when mistakes happpen that makes your storytelling even better.

What you need to know about different 'storytelling styles', when to use them and what not to do that many communicators completely overlook!

Why Michael recommends you don’t emulate other people’s style but what he suggests instead that works better…

What you need to think through first, if someone has never accomplished what they say they want ... so you can embed process instructions discreetly within your stories

How to embed process instructions within your stories so your listeners pick up on and act on the suggestions you make.

Hear example after example of transformational stories in action and watch as Michael gets out the ‘big yellow highlighter’ and reveals how a master transformational storyteller uses stories to create transformations in minutes.

Secrets of Transformational Storytelling Revealed: Watch and learn as Michael and I unpack a real world example of transformational storytelling and reveal play-by-play how everything taught is applies to actual change conversations.

How to use storytelling to be dramatically more persuasive and influential..

Pro Tips: The thinking process Michael uses to figure out what the correct framing of the issue is, so he can craft a series of stories that evoke desirable states, seed ideas and make the ideas highly persuasive.

How to use stories to create counter-examples that reduce certainty and introduce doubt so that a person you want to influence becomes re-eventuates what they think they know and becomes open to a new way of looking at things.

A critical skill that makes you super persuasive which you can deploy directly into your stories for powerful effect.

How to breakdown your persuasion goals so they are doable and far more likely to be achieved!

The super slick way to get people to consider new ideas that involves no resistance.

Understand how presuppositions work and can be combined to create powerful persuasive effects…

How to use language skillfully in your stories so you have the other person automatically generate the ideas you would like them to have…

Learn how to tell stories powerfully, from the ordinary and mundane story to the extraordinary story! You’ll hear and see examples throughout this module that will show you the power of storytelling to persuade, influence and create transformations.

How to get ideas to ‘pop out’ at the right time… and how to use create states that cause people to move away from ideas that get in the way of taking action

Watch as Michael demonstrates how to install new strategies and responses via storytelling

Super advanced: How to wire up conclusions in the listener indirectly through implication!

How to do embed swish patterns directly inside your stories so it triggers off desired responses.

How to create strong moving toward and away from states and link them to ideas in your stories... powerful!

The smart way to avoid triggering ‘resistance’ to your ideas.

How to use time and space predicates to shift things around and place ideas very precisely inside someone else’s mind so they find themselves agreeing with you…


Advanced Skills

In module 6 Michael teaches ‘advanced skills’ of advanced storytelling. Here you’ll learn how to incorporate the elite storytelling skills used by NLP masters to really make your storytelling really exceptional.

By the time you finish Module 6 you’ll be able to do things things with stories that you never even knew were possible!

You’ll Learn:

How to use submodalities to create very specific effects in the mind and body of your listener.

The secret to co-create experiences with your listener so they go ahead and change…

How to stack realities by placing stories within your stories

Revealed how stacking actually works and what Storytelling Pros actually use it for…

How to anchor in your stories so you can evoke responses, link ideas and chain reactions…

How to make sure your nested stories aren’t merely entertaining but transformational, influential and impact how other people think, feel and act.

The many different ways Master change agents and exceptional persuaders place suggestions and process instructions within a communication.

Sophisticated ideas about how to create distinctions and new thoughts inside other people’s mind that cause them to make new connections and conclusions quickly

How ‘process instructions’ operate and how to place them within your stories so they have maximum effect. (Super NLP Ninja stuff.)

Discover how to use very specific forms of language to create ‘space’ within your stories for your listeners conscious mind while you deliver messages for their other than conscious mind to follow…

A critical distinction between ‘ambiguous vs vague instructions’ and why you should use one but not the other if you want your listeners to act on your suggestions...

How to use ambiguity in anecdotes so your listener chooses what conclusions to create rather than you trying to force your ideas on them.

The power of using ‘forced mindreading’ in your stories to connect up new ideas and have the listener select conclusions you would like them to have.

Tips and tricks master storytellers use to remember where they are in their stories

How master storytellers make even ‘ordinary’ stories seem fascinating and absorbs attention that you can use to hook attention while running other than conscious persuasion, influence or transformation processes outside of conscious awareness.

Finally, the answer to how many times you need to make a suggestion for it to stick!

Advice on when you should change the direction of your story and when you should continue.

What every storyteller can learn from a famous Greek story which will make you a far better storyteller.

The two key thinking and communication patterns every master storyteller has mastered which will make you a remarkable communicator.

How to setup new connections, expectations and strategies in the background of a story while the audience is captivated in the content...

The ‘magic skill’ master storytellers do that you can learn to become a really skillful storyteller.

Deep insights on how memories are constructed that open up a whole palate of options to create spellbinding stories.

How to create ‘future memories’ that change the future by alternating the past…

Powerful way to help people connect up to a brighter and compelling future using advanced story telling.

How to use priming to cause your audience to make connections quicker and create meaning faster.

What nested storytelling is all about, how it works and how to nest stories effectively.

Nested storytelling is not a technique, right? Wrong! Learn why master storytellers use nesting for one very specific purpose and not all the time!

Tips and tricks to amplify states when nesting and when you shouldn’t use it.

When you don't need to nest your stories when you do these 2 things right

Watch Michael demonstrate of all the advanced skills and unpack what he’s doing so you can quickly apply these skills to your own storytelling

Advanced language tips and tricks to seed ideas in people’s minds and play with pronouns and modal operators to generate subtle but powerful shifts in how people think and the kind of associations they make…

Super slick: How to create meaning and attach significance to ideas via implication in your stories.

Finishing touches to take your advanced storytelling skills to Pro level and beyond…

Meet Your Instructor - Michael Breen



Michael Breen...

Is a a renowned NLP Master Trainer, with over 35 years experience telling spell-binding stories

For decades, he co-ran workshops with Dr. Richard Bandler & Paul McKenna on how to communicate with impact

Has trained over 100,000 students on how to improve their communication skills

Revolutionized the design and delivery of NLP training in the UK, co-founding the largest NLP training school in the world.

Is the author of many successful communication programs, including "The Power To Influence" by Nightingale-Conant

Michael's also a top-notch management consultant and executive coach to numerous Fortune 500 companies where he has used his storytelling skills to great effect

Oh, and he's also an Oscar Nominated Screenwriter!

So you're in great hands...

What You Get With Michael Breen’s

Advanced Storytelling System!

110 Expert Tracks From One Of The World's Best NLP Masters

Advanced Storytelling is jam-packed with over 100 high-definition training videos organised into six skill building modules revealing the most advanced and complete system on Advanced Storytelling ever created.

145 Audio Files

Sometimes it’s not suitable or possible to watch videos. That’s why we’ve also made the entire program available in mp3 format, so you can listen and learn as you commute, exercise or take it with you on the road.

Each module comes with accompanying audios which you can download and use on your smartphone, tablet or computer for easy offline listening.

35 Bespoke Video Exercises To Learn The Skills Fast

We're committed to you becoming really good at using stories masterfully to influence, persuade and create change. That's why we've included 35 bespoke video assignments to help you quickly develop your advanced storytelling skills. Watch Michael demonstrate the skills first, then you get a chance to practice.

This program is the 'BIBLE' of Advanced Storytelling!

Everything you could want to know -- and MORE -- about how the master storytellers, world class NLP masters and elite persuaders use stories, is covered.

For the very first time, NLP’s best tools and ‘technical skills’ revealed in unrivalled detailed by a renowned master, including…

==> Foundations of great storytelling... story selection… story design… story structures (novice to advanced)... story dynamics… voice control and modulation… non-verbal amplification… seeding suggestions… priming responses… story mechanics… advanced ways to embed messages and ‘process instructions’ within stories (aka the real secrets to being ‘artfully vague’ used by elite pros)… story chaining… placing ideas inside people’s heads covertly… building ideas and conclusions via inference and implications… nesting stories… priming responses... nonlinear storytelling aka ‘sliding time’… isomorphic and homomorphic metaphors... advanced language usage… anchoring... embedding.. submodalities ... future memories... you name it. 

It's ALL in here!

Not a single stone was left unturned because Michael and I wanted to make the most complete and best ever advanced storytelling training.

Every piece of Michael’s system is laid bare for you. 


So, Here's The Deal...

You get everything for just five monthly instalments of $299. 

Or, you can save a thousand bucks off the post launch price today, and get everything with one payment of only $997. 

That's it... no hidden charges and no upsells

Yeah, cheap. I know.

That's because we want to attract real students who are eager to learn to dramatically increase their ability to influence, persuade and create transformations for others - through stories.

But this special 'launch price' is ONLY AVAILABLE TO THE FIRST 30 STUDENTS.

Folks who want to enrol after we complete our inaugural intake will pay at least at $1,000 more later, assuming we open it up to the public. Michael and I want to attract students are serious about dramatically upgrading their storytelling and communication skills.

But, to do that we need to make sure everyone of the 40 people who gets a copy of Advanced Storytelling is COMMITTED and 100% serious to use what they learn.

Here’s the thing… the skills taught have never been taught before to the public.

This is the first time the real secrets used by great storytellers and elite NLP masters… will be revealed in exquisite detail.

Over 35 years of his remarkable career, Michael Breen has invested tens of thousands of hours of practicing, testing and refining the art and skill of telling stories that influence, persuade and transform others, fast.

Up until today, only Michael’s very best apprentices and high paying clients got to learn a tiny fraction of what you will get to learn on how to tell stories that influence, persuade and transform.

He’s used these storytelling skills working with individuals, teams, A list celebrities, multimillionaire clients, corporations and with more than 100,000 students. So you can be darn sure this stuff works like nothing you’ve seen or tried before!

**Frankly, if you have to ponder at all how wildly valuable this will be for you, your career and life, this offer is probably NOT for you

And, in that case, I would ask you to pass on this.

At this price, and with the amount of influence, persuasion and exceptional communication skills you’ll possess to transform and lead others (whether one-on-one contexts, team meetings, training events, keynote speeches, pitches or speaking to thousands), this is an absolute no-brainer for any serious student who wants to learn how to communicate masterfully.

I mean, think about it...

Over the rest of this year you're investing a mere...

$3.98 a day! your education to get the most powerful (and complete) Advanced Storytelling System on the planet!

For any serious NLPer, hypnotist, coach, manager, or rising professional like you, that's nothing. A drop in the bucket to learn these skills that only a handful of elite NLP masters know and not available publicly to learn.

Frankly, knowing just 10% of what Michael teaches could easily lead to you recouping 100% of your investment in just one conversation. Heck, I used these same skills on a tricky call with an agent of a major technology company the other week and persuaded them to pick up $1,500.00 of cost in repairs that they categorically told me was not possible when we began the call.

All because I understand and was able to use the power of story.

How big a change to your life, career and income having these advanced story skills will make depends on how and where you choose to apply these skills… there are so many applications that it can be used in including:

  • Coaching
  • Consulting
  • Change work
  • Managing and leading others
  • Marketing
  • Negotiating
  • Training
  • Selling
  • Problem solving
  • Presenting
  • Persuading
  • Pitching
  • & of course Public speaking

… to name just a few.

In fact, any context that involves communicating with others where being able to influence, persuade or transform people’s minds without creating resistance… is a context where these skills can be applied.

Both personally and professionally!

How many times you'll multiply your investment by learning these RARE and extremely potent skills is really down to you. You could 5x, 10x, or 100x it… who knows.

But here's the thing...

There are ONLY 30 copies. 

And once they're gone, they're gone.

If you wait you will miss out, they could all be gone before you realise it.

Then what will you do?

Go here to grab your copy today.

Frequently Asked Questions

+  Is This Course For Me?

Yep, if you want to dramatically improve your ability to tell stories that connect, persuade and influence people in a way you've never known before, Advanced Storytelling is for you.

If you want to learn how to do transformational communication within ordinary conversations like the very best NLP masters this is for you so long as you are willing to practice these powerful skills. But thankfully that's dead easy to do.

+  What's The Difference Between This & Storytelling's Golden Keys?

Storytelling Golden Keys is our foundational two day training course on storytelling designed to make your storying more powerful. Advanced Storytelling goes much further than any storytelling training we've created before. It's the equivalent of more than ten days of intensive storytelling training with Michael showing you step-by-step on how to combine all of the foundations of great storytelling with the advanced skills used by great storytellers.

Unlike Storytelling Golden Keys which was recorded in a live workshop, Advanced Storytelling was recorded with Michael 'direct to camera' allowing for maximum elaboration and demonstration of each of the key skills along with detailed breakdown, simply not possible in a workshop format. There's no detours into topics you don't care about. Every factor and aspect you need to know to deliver stories that influence, persuade and transform taught in exquisite detail.

+  Is Advanced Storytelling Really Different From Other Storytelling Trainings?


For starters let's talk about your instructor Michael Breen. You get to start your learning from where Michael is today, and avoid all the mistakes and 'bad clones' of Tony Robbins or Richard Bandler style storytelling that are so evident in people who have tried to copy these teachers without understanding the real magic behind what NLP master storytellers are ACTUALLY doing.

Unlike other providers of Storytelling training, this isn't a rehash of some 'best practices' You'll learn a rare set of skills that have been developed over 35 years of daily application and practice in every kind of situation and context you can imagine.

Everything Michael teaches has been exhaustively tested and demonstrated in real world situations with audiences of 1 to many thousands. This stuff works like nothing else you've seen.

And in all juicy never before revealed secrets used by elite NLP masters when telling stories and you've got a world-class training like no other

+  Do I Have To Know NLP To Take This Course?

No. This is primarily a storytelling course, not an NLP course. The program is full of ideas you can use even if you know nothing about Neuro-Linguistic Programming at all.

+  Is This Really Step-by-Step?

You bet. Michael goes to great lengths to teach all the key skills you need to dramatically improve your storytelling skills with dozens of assignments. With over 145 videos and each module adding new insights, tools and practices, you have everything you need in this program to dramatically improve your storytelling so you can inluence, persaude and create transformations in ordinary everyday conversations!

+  Will This Work For Me?

If you have a genuine desire to learn, absolutely. It would be impossible not to get better after going through this course (so long as you do the exercises!)

In fact, Advanced Storytelling is the kind of program that will teach you new things everytime you go through it. Each module is broken down in to short videos for you to watch or listen to on the go.

The main criteria of "Will work for you?" is are you willing to practice and do what Michael suggests? If yes, then this will work for you. And the more your apply what Michael teaches the better you'll become.

But I don't just want you to be really happy with your investment today, I want you to be delighted.

I want to make sure you have every tool and resource your could possibly need use storytelling masterfully to persuade, influence and create transformations with others.

That's why when you enroll today...

You'll Also Get These Exclusive BONUSES Worth $3,073

Purest Persuasion

Bonus #1 ($395.00 VALUE):

Join Michael from the comfort of your own home as you discover how to radically improve your Persuasive Powers in as little as 6 hours!

Learning to ethically influence and persuade others is the greatest SHORTCUT to having the life of your dreams. Unlike traditional persuasion courses that teach a bunch of language patterns and 'closes' hoping when the time comes to persuade you can figure out which pattern to use, Purest Persuasion reveals 'the logic of persuasion', the secrets behind how people change their minds, say "yes" and become persuaded...

...without force, ethically questionable tactics or any coercion.

Michael Breen reveals how you can ethically and elegantly persuade others conversationally even if you think you're not any good at getting others to say yes to your ideas!

In this exclusive workshop and accompanying video training, you'll learn the psychology to elegant conversational persuasion and uncover cutting edge tools and strategies used by masterful persaaders.

Here's a sneak peek of what you'll learn:

The easiest way to bypass the "cognitive gatekeeper" that stops a person from saying yes

How to radically improve your persuasive powers, that require no “trial closing”, test selling, scripted language patterns or “pressure” selling!

How to create credibility fast so people listen to what you have to say

The 11 things you must be willing to DROP if you want to become far more persuasive

Master the "Logic of Persuasion" & discover the most reliable way to formulate suggestions that stick.

Plus much more...

Sharpen Your Pitch

Bonus #2 ($495.00 VALUE):

Discover The 5 Step Pitching Process, GUARANTEED To Help You Win More

Business, Close Bigger Deals And Sell More Products Than Ever Before!

Are you struggling to win high quality, high paying, highly motivated clients?  Then listen closely, the problem isn't you, your service or your price... the problem is your PITCH!

For many years Michael Breen has helped the experts of pitching (aka Advertising Agencies) refine the art of helping them develop the perfect pitch! Giants like GGT, Saatchi & Saatchi, JWT, BBDO, Leo Burnett, OgilvyOne, Bartle, Bogle & Hegarty have been some of Michael clients.

In this exciting training Michael teaches you the skills and ideas to be able to pitch like the pros! You get to listen into a two day training where Michael teaches everything you the 5 key steps to pitching like the pros.

Here's a taste of what you'll learn:

Learn how to qualify your clients so that you only select high quality clients that you enjoy working with.

Become an instant expert by articulating your audiences problem better than they can.

Get clarity on your business - who your audience is and what you are offering them.

Design an irresistible offer that makes your product or service the only obvious choice.

Become amazingly persuasive by using covert and overt suggestions in your pitch that your audience will never be able to identify

Plus much more...

30 Days To Masterful NLP Anchoring

Bonus #3 ($395.00 VALUE):

Anchoring and advanced storytelling go hand in hand. That's why I want you to have the field's best anchoring training on us!

Watch as Michael overtly and covertly demonstrates the anchoring skills he is training you to get but in a fraction of the time it would take you if you had to discover all this by yourself.

Here's what you'll learn:

How Master Trainers think about what exactly anchoring really is. It will make so much sense to you and forever change the way you look at anchoring.

Learn how to "play" with other peoples anchors - one of the most powerful aspects of NLP whether you use if for persuasion, change work or your own self anchoring.

Learn not just how to anchor powerfully but learn how to plan ahead of time the outcomes you want and the states you need so you eliminate the potential resistance others have and help you get results and outcomes you want every time.

Master the real secret to doing great anchoring work and how to never miss anchoring a useful state in your client again

Learn the #1 resource Michael recommends you where you can constantly develop your anchoring on an ongoing basis and never be short of cool techniques and ways to anchor.

Plus much more...

Get Magical With Metaphors 

Bonus #4 ($197.00 VALUE):

To really help you hone your Storyteling power I'm also going to give you access to Get Magical with Metaphors – an exclusive masterclass training.

Not only is learning how to generate and use metaphors a power skill for telling great stories, it is also the tool of choice for powerful change work. This is how Milton Erickson and Richard Bandler are covertly able to create such powerful changes.

When you apply what you learn in Advanced Storytelling to this material, you're ability to use metaphors transformationally will go into overdrive.

You'll learn:

How to use metaphors to bypass someone’s critical mind and seed ideas in their unconscious - this is the key to delivering covert instructions wrapped up in a story

Learn a step-by-step framework to help you generate metaphors that create change

How to help others conversationally, without resorting to “here’s a technique I know, now let me do some NLP on you”

The exact strategy that Michael uses in business to deliver conversational metaphors this one strategy will give you endless ways to use “stories” to influence your boss, team-mates, prospects and customers in any business context.

Learn the two main ways of arranging metaphors, what homomorphic and isomorphic metaphors are, and when to use one vs. the other

Plus much more...

Advanced Language Patterns

Bonus #5 ($49.00 VALUE):

Just about everyone in NLP wants to know how masters of NLP really use language structures to persaude, influence and transform.

We'll this training unpacks many of the most important ideas you need to know.

Inside this training you will discover how you don't have to bend someone's arm, use "dark" NLP or "Jedi" mind tricks to have someone willingly follow your lead. What you need to do and how you can do it demonstrated and taught to you in detail in this idea evoking training. Michael connects the dots that for many NLPers have been missing.

Inside this masterclass you will:

Advanced Storytelling AMA

Bonus #6 ($247.00 VALUE):

As you watch and learn from Michael how to do Advanced Storytelling that's invisible, as a inaugural customer, you'll also get the chance to Ask Michael Anything about the course and storytelling.

Michael’s got a wealth of knowledge helping clients develop their storytelling skills. He’s also got 35 years experience helping client's master the art and science of storytelling. This is your chance to pick his brain... at no additional cost.

Private Members Portal

Bonus #7 ($197.00 VALUE):

In addition to being able to get your questions answered during the AMA, we've got you back as you work your way through the course. That means you can ask questions of Tom and Michael and engage with other customers directly in our Private Message Portal setup exclusively for this program.

This means you have many ways of getting expert feedback when you need it.

$1,000 OFF Voucher

Bonus #8 ($1,000.00 VALUE):

Lastly, here’s something you'll love, when you enroll today, in addition to all the great bonuses and training above I'm also going to slice a $1,000 off the post launch price for Advanced Storytelling, meaning you’ll save a grand when enrol today.

(And get to enjoy access to the equivilent of 7 extra days of additional expert training from Michael on persuasion, pitching, advanced language, metaphors and expert anchoring. So you have everything you need to really transform your ability to communicate and tell captivating stories.

But... That's not all...

I Am Giving You A 30-Day Test Drive Absolutely Risk Free...

That’s right.

If you’re not 110% happy with this product… you can get every single penny

back within 30 days of your purchase.

You have a full 30 days to try out this program.

Enage full with Advanced Storytelling, watch the videos and do the exercises.

And then decide if you want to keep the product or not.

As easy as that.

There are no strings attached.

But honestly, I’m not worried at all about you asking for a refund…

Because I know first hand how great this course is and how much students at every level can learn.

Why am I be willing to take all the risk and offer you such a strong guarantee?


We want to help create students who have top notch storytelling skills and are really satisfied with every purchase you make from us. We know that if you engage fully with the course and do the exercises you will enjoy results right now you can’t even imagine.

And if not, we think it’s only fair you deserve your money back.

I can’t think of a more fair or reasonable offer than that.

As soon as you order, we'll send you your login details so you can get started right away

So what are you waiting for?

We're are releasing a total of 40 copies at this price and like many other trainings that have SOLD OUT over the years, this training will be attracting our very best NLP Times students and lots of other professionals in your industry (and other industries too).

That’s why I highly recommend that you get your copy now by clicking the “Get Instant Access Now” button below...

Secure Your Copy Today

Yes Tom! I'm Ready To Grab This Unprecedented Opportunity

To Get My Hands On...

Advanced Storytelling

For Transformation, Influence & Persuasion

I'm ready to learn the skills and secrets of great storytelling... how to tell captivating stories in ordinary conversations that leverage NLP's best kept and most closely guarded secrets so I can persuade, influence and transform people in profound ways, far beyond what I can do today...

I understand that when I purchase Advanced Storytelling today I will be enrolled for...

MODULE 1: Core Concepts

MODULE 2: Essential Skills

MODULE 3: Story Dynamics

MODULE 4: Story Mechanics

MODULE 5: Patterns of Transformation

MODULE 6: Advanced Skills

105 HD videos – the equivalent of 10 days of Advanced Storytelling Training with Michael

145 Audio files - Full audio recordings of everything for easy offline listening.

35 bespoke video exercises to learn the skills fast

Bonus 1: Purest Persuasion - VALUE: $395.00

Bonus 2: Sharpen Your Pitch - VALUE: $495.00

Bonus 3: 30 Days To Masterful NLP Anchoring - VALUE: $395.00

Bonus 4: Get Magical With Metaphors - VALUE: $197.00

Bonus 5: Advanced Language Patterns - VALUE: $49.00

Bonus 6: Ask Michael Anything - VALUE: $247.00

Bonus 7: Private Members Portal - VALUE: $197.00

Bonus 8: SAVE $1,000 Off the post launch price

Iron-clad 100% Money-back Guarantee

Total Value: $4,972.00

Total Value: $4,972

Today Just…

$299 x 5 (Most Flexible)

Or Pay in Full - $997 (Best Value)

P.S. Advanced Storytelling is the ULTIMATE way to learn the skills of great storytellers and NLP masters. It will teach you a repeatable framework to tell far better stories that will enable you to connect, persuade, influence and transform people in a way you've never known before. I guarantee it!

But more than that, for the very first time, you get to peak over the shoulders of a renowed NLP Master as he shares step-by-step NLP's best kept secrets and most closely guarded skills only known by a very elite group of storytellering masters. This isn't stuff you can find on the web, in books or storytelling courses; the ideas thought here are waaaaaay beyond that.

As Master Trainer Michael Breen shared: "If you want to be able to do magic, to do transformational communication within ordinary conversations that has a profound effect - then this is it!"

Michael poured the best ideas, strategies and tools used by truly GREAT storytellers, acquired from over 35 years of professional applications using these skills in every context imaginable.

Don't be surprised if you find your jaw dropping many times through the course as you see for the very first time ... how masters of storytelling do what they do and then go out and reproduce these effects for yourself!

And to make this investment even more rewarding for you, you'll also get five of our best communication trainings 1) Purest Persuasion 2) Sharpen Your Pitch 3) 30 Days to Masterful NLP Anchoring 4) Get Magical with Metaphors 5) Advanced Language Patterns plus other exclusive pre-launch only bonsues worth $3,071 entirely free!

Click the button below to get started.

Get ALL 6 Programs For $4,972 $299 x 5, or 1 Payment of $997

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