
Highly Intelligent People Frequently Make This Mistake

There are many reasons people fail to reach their goals.

But there is one reason that shows up again and again…

They fail to connect what they want to what they need to do – to the tangible behaviours which generate the desired results.

Or said another way, they focus on the objects and not the objectives.

And that’s a BIG problem because life is moving target, not a static object.

If you want to have more of something in your life, you must be willing to MOVE your ass.

Take action.

Recognize that to achieve our goals we need to shift from thinking about them as a series of objects to have/own/experience someday, to focus on the behaviours we need to do TODAY.

To target specific behaviors that when generated and maintained, create the desired conditions, which lead to the results we want.

As Edward De Bono wisely noted:

“Highly intelligent people are usually good at solving puzzles or problems where all the pieces are given. They are less good at situation which require them to find the pieces and to assess the value of the pieces.”

Achieving our goals involves many known unknowns and sometimes many unknown unknowns.

By teaching ourselves to think better we can find the pieces that matter and generate a way through the obstacles and uncertainties…

…so you can accomplish goals you didn’t even think were possible for your life.

That’s what The Framing Tool and Meta Model, used well, can allow you to do.

It can make you a much better thinker, people helper and person who consistently achieves the goals you set.

If you want to achieve more in the remaining 4 months than you did in the first 8, raise your awareness of what you are doing and eliminate the gap between what you intend and what you do.

This isn’t something you do once, it’s a day-by-day practice.

Something there is always room to get better at.

The following 4 questions can help get you started on closing the gap….

  • What are you choosing instead of taking action on your goals?

  • What do you think is standing in your way, to having what you want?

(Usually what we think is standing in our way is nothing more than out-of-date programming and self-limiting stories that don’t stand up when challenged. Use the Meta Model on yourself to eliminate the mental roadblocks.)

  • What behaviours are essential to successfully achieving your goal?

  • Are you actually doing them? What’s the next step to getting this [goal] started/done?Whatever that is, do that.

Rinse and repeat.

Try this simple exercise out for a week.

You can accomplish much more when you…

Raise your awareness about what you are ACTUALLY doing each day to either create more of what you want or maintain more of what you don’t want.Focus on the behaviors that are necessary to achieve your goals every day.Check out this course - if you want to learn how to develop your thinking skills and discover how you can use the Framing Tool and Meta Model deeply to out-think your own and other people’s limitations.

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I'm Tom.

Everyone has something they’d like to change in their life. I’m here to help you transform the behaviours that get in your way so you can have the life you really want.

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