Dying Teen's Philosophy For A Happy Life
NLP at its core is first an attitude.
You can have all the certificates and titles you want, and still fail to pass the first test of a student who calls themselves an NLPer.
What is that you might ask?
Quite simply - a tenacious resolve and insatiable curiosity for life.
For figuring out what works and how to make things better.
Picking your ass up when life knocks you down.
This breed of folks is the kind of people you want around when you're in a bind, because they are possibility focused, flexible, happy and demonstrate tenacity to find or make a way.
They are what others regard as the "unreasonable" ones.
Sam Berns was one such person.
He never knew anything about NLP, but he embodied the attitude of tenacious resolve and curiosity to make life better, more than people 4 times his age!
You see Sam never got to live long.
He was born with a very rare genetic disorder called progeria, that took his life at 17.
So rare is the disorder that less than 400 people in the world have it.
This disorder which causes the body to prematurely age, has many adverse effects like:
* unable to gain weight
* very thin skin layer
* loss of hair
* brittle bones
* early death (most don't make it beyond their teens)
So Sam didn't grow up with a normal childhood.
The thousands of things you and I get to take for granted, he and his parents couldn't.
He was in and out of hospital a lot, and knew he would never get to enjoy "old age" and all the special experiences that happen along the way.
But remarkably he didn't let that stop him from fully enjoying life.
Because through all his challenges, the ups and downs he formed a beautiful philosophy for a happy life.
It has just 3 aspects.
3 aspects that if you embody and make active in your yourself - will ripple positive changes across your life in remarkable ways.
And create room for happiness no matter what happens in your life.
So I really encourage you to watch his short Tedx talk, which was recorded a few months before his death.
It oozes with so much wisdom and good stuff that I've already watched it several times.
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I'm Tom.
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