Are You Shooting For A Goal? (IMPORTANT VIDEO)
I hope you are.
I hope your life is filled with a rich ambition that lights up your day, keeps you moving forward with a smile on your face - working on realizing your goal and dreams.
If not, you need to watch this great short video by Arnold Schwarzenegger below.
Arnold naturally gets what you need to do to realise significant goals.
But much more than working hard (the external actions that people notice), success begins as an inside job.
It’s in how you arrange your internal resources, your thoughts, states and emotions so it triggers the right action automatically every day and keeps you moving forward.
The reason so many people fail to realise so much more of their potential is because they haven’t figured out how to trigger that burning drive to see their goal brought to life.
Watch this video below to get inspired.
Here’s a secret to achieving more goals, arrange your internal world so that accomplishing your goals becomes inevitable.
It starts with retraining your habitual ways of thinking, feeling and acting.
Turning down the unhelpful internal dialogue, the poor self talk, the critic and turning up the desirability of the goal and hardwiring the habit to act and follow through.
Especially when things seem tough…
The thing is, accomplishing goals is a habit and so is not achieving them.
Problem is, most people don’t know how to wire up the right behaviors and stop the ones that get in the way.
They struggle to get and stay motivated and struggle with reprograming their behaviour.
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I'm Tom.
Everyone has something they’d like to change in their life. I’m here to help you transform the behaviours that get in your way so you can have the life you really want.
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